Where To Get Your Winter Wedding Inspiration From

Are you planning a Winter wedding and looking for inspiration? Wedding season is traditionally during the warmer Spring and Summer months so it can be hard to find inspiration for a Winter or seasonally themed wedding. Wedding trends have moved away from the traditional style, instead focusing on originality and personal preference. Tulfarris Hotel & Golf Resort an ideal location for a unique Wicklow Wedding. It’s great to draw inspiration for your big day from many sources so here’s where you should start.


The number one place lovers of social media go to get creative inspiration is Pinterest. For those unfamiliar, Pinterest is an app that allows you to search for creative and inspirational images and ‘pin’ them to your board for future reference. Pinterest is great no matter if you’re hoping for inspiration on fashion, weddings, seasonal decorations, baking and cooking ideas and so much more. A quick search for ‘Winter Weddings’ brings up thousands of creative images which will spark your interest and imagination.

Wedding Shows

Every year, large scale venues like Dublin’s RDS and smaller venues & hotels host wedding showcases so you can get an idea of what’s on-trend this year. Even if you don’t intend to have your wedding in that specific location, it’s a good idea to attend a few of these wedding fairs as they all offer something a little different. You might get names, ideas and discounts from companies and services showing that you otherwise may not have heard of. They often have reduced rates in the Winter months too and at the very least you’ll meet some like-minded couples.

Word of Mouth

The best promotion of all doesn’t come from tv, radio or email ads, it comes straight from the horse’s mouth. Ask couples who have recently been married what they would do differently or what they wished they hadn’t bothered with. If you know any couples who were married around Christmas or during the Winter months, reach out with a casual Facebook message or catch them in the canteen in work for a chat. People love talking about their weddings and don’t often have such a captive audience, so they’ll love telling you all about it!


As well as Pinterest, read blogs and check dedicated wedding websites for some creative inspiration. Reading blogs on wedding sites such as Hitched.ie and Onefabday.ie just might spark something creative in you. It may seem out-dated but a good old fashioned magazine like Irish Wedding Diary will give you ideas, not only about where to host your Winter Wedding but show you pictures of weddings and styles you might not have seen otherwise. You’ll also get some ideas about where to take your wedding snaps.

Inspiration from Nature

For a lot of people, Winter is the most beautiful season. Think of frosty forests, Christmas lights and how green the grass is because of all of the extra rain. You can draw inspiration from the many colours found in nature, the cold blues, warm, deep reds and the crisp white snow. Add extra wintry romance with lots of natural greenery and twinkling fairy lights. Make sure you wrap up well if you plan to take pictures in the great outdoors. Faux fur shawls would make a lovely addition to any Winter Brides outfit.

If you’re looking for the ideal location for your Winter wedding, Tulfarris Hotel in Wicklow is perfect. We offer the perfect mixtures of indoor warmth and luxury and rugged surroundings. If you’d like to speak to one of our talented events team who specialise in making your Wicklow Wedding one to remember.